Thursday, October 17, 2019

Portfolio 要求(明天交)+ 经典辩论瞬间video+ 我的辩论问题

明天 Portfolio 要交的东西 (占 project 分数 5%):

1.  有老师批语的论文第一稿 第一部分 (intro+body paragraph)
2.  有老师批语的论文第一稿 第二部分 (rebuttal+ Works Cited page)
3.  有同学批语以及有checklist 的第二稿 (2nd draft 请将checklist 跟第二稿订-staple在一起
4.  终稿 (final draft)
5. 这些 drafts 最新的放最上面: 按日期排序。
6.  必须用一个 folder 放以上的稿件 (纸的或塑料的)
1992 老布什 vs 克林顿辩论的经典瞬间




Questions I drafted for the reflection of this debate:
1.Do you think calling Trump “the most corrupt president in history”  is an orchestrated move by all the Democratic candidates?
2.Do you think attacking the ascending candidate Warren will pay off for Buttigieg & Klobachar?
3. Is there a Klobuchar-Bittigieg-Biden moderate front vs Warren-Sanders liberal front clash  manifested in this debate? Or is it everybody verses Warren? 
4. Is there an orchestrated move by the 3 major moderate candidates (Klobuchar-Bittigieg-Biden)  all make the middle-class-would-pay-more-taxes?
5. Do you think America wants to replace one old whinny guy with another old whinny guy (replacing Trump with Sanders who is older than Trump)
6. I will beat Trump like a drum. Why do you think he is saying this?
7. Is Kamala Harris carrying on the torch on women's issues since Gillibrand dropped out. 
8. Are the other candidates all assuming Elizabeth Warren’s front runner’s status?
9. Did Andrew Yang’s rising status manifest in this debate in any form? For example, other candidates start commenting on his basic income plans. Booker by saying that raising minimum wage to $15 an hour and Gabbar by agreeing to it?
10. Bernie Sanders said “Billionaires should not exist” do you agree with this statement? 8:43 Top one tenth of 1% to pay more wealth tax. 
11. What is your comment that Tom Steyer, a billionaire, who applauded Sanders, corporation has bought the government, and he was the first to proposed wealth tax (8;46)
12. Elizabeth Warren “2-CENT TAX ON ONE TENTH OF 1%”  is her signature move that is tactical that she uses “cents” 
13. Industrial mid-west, intentional mention by Buttigieg
14. Amy Klobuchar, I am open to “wealth tax”, pandering to unions (mentioning her grandfather) a pivot to left? 8:53
15. Is progressive tax “punitive” as claimed by Beto’ O’Rourke? The rich pay a higher tax rate.
16. “Not tearing each other down” argument legitimate, isn’t the very idea of debate, defending your idea and attacking others?
17. Do you understand the dynamics of Syrian Kurds situation?
18. O’Rourke’s I will take away your AR15/AK 47 has been been used by NRA as ad to eleicit donation, do you think, comments like those play to the hand of Republican by going too far? 9:33
19. Is gun control issue O'Rourke's lifeline now as he has been losing steam, same goes by Pete Buttigieg? 
20. Cory Booker’s mom tone “peacemaker” appealing to moms? 9:38
21. What do think about Kamara Harris’ idea of banning Trump from Twitter?
22. Do you buy the age bring wisdom argument? Isn’t Biden making exactly the same Hillary argument?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019



世界日报: 民主黨第四輪總統辯論:

纽约时报关于其他候选人如何攻击elizabeth warren 的视频

本次(十月)民主党总统初选辩论由 CNN 和纽约时报主持。
- 请用 annotation 的形式写一页的感想。 至少六个评论, 三个问题。***可以都是讨论会可以讨论的问题。也就是说如果你的感想都是以问题的形式写, 也可以

最后请用一段话回答: 你了解了所有候选人(包括民主党和共和党)的政见以后, 如果你手上有一票, 你会投给谁, 为什么

感想:不要用按段落来写。 请将你的问题/评论加上number:


政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...