Thursday, November 7, 2019

11/19, 星期二考試內容

这次考试将占总成绩30%,请务必认真准备。 Take-Home Exam 的论文推迟到下一个Marking Period

  • 可以在地图上标注 美国普查局(US Census Bureau) 界定的四大区域:West-西部; Mid-west 中西部; South 南部; Northeast 东北部
  • 每个区域可以列举 一个例子: 例如 South-Georgia.
  • 可以列举三个两党在2020总统选举中都极力争取的战地州/摇摆州, 这些州有两个特点 1)上一届2016 总统选举中 两党得票率之差在10%以下,近来的几次总统大选中有 摇摆 的记录, 例如, Ohio 俄亥俄州 1992 投克林顿(民主党)1996 投克林顿(民主党) 2000 年投布什(共和党)2004投布什(共和党),2008年投奥巴马(民主党)2012投奥巴马(民主党), 2016年投川普 (共和党), 是典型的摇摆州。有个说法是 As Ohio goes, so goes the nation!
  • 其他战地州/摇摆州的例子:Florida-佛罗里达州,Iowa-爱荷华州,Nevada-内华达州,Colorado-科罗拉多州,Michigan-密歇根州,Wisconsin 威斯康辛州,Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州,New Hampshire- 新罕布什尔州 (紫色标注的这四个州2016 大选, 两党差距不到1%)*以下几个州没有两个标准都达到: 属于“次级战区”:Minnesota 明尼苏达州,Virginia 维吉尼亚, New Mexico新墨西哥这三个州, 政党倾向偏民主党, 最近几次选举都比全国的平均要 “蓝” 一些.  Arizona 亚利桑那州, Texas 得克萨斯州, Georgia 乔治亚州 这三个州传统上投共和党, 但这几年来有变 “蓝” 的趋势, 上届选举中这三个州的两党差距分别是 4%, 9% 和 5%)
    维吉尼亚大学政治学教授larry sabbath 目前对各州的 rating

需要背的一些数字跟 term:
  • 538- number of electoral votes 选举人团票总数
  • 270- 当选总统要跨过的 选举人票 electoral vote 门槛
  • 269- 选举人票平局
  • 1776 -《独立宣言》发表的年份(也就是美国建国的年份) 
  • 23- 大陪审团 Grand Jury 人数 
  • 12 -小陪审团 Trial Jury 人数
哪两个州在总统选举中不完全使用赢者全拿(Winner-Take-All): Maine and Nebraska - 
这两个州参议员的两张electoral votes 是按全州的投票结果决定。 而众议员的electoral vote 是依照各自国会选区的投票结果决定: 比如 川普在2016总统选举中, 虽然缅因州整体是输的, 但是在缅因国会第二选区得票率比希拉里高, 因此在Maine 获得一张electoral vote. 奥巴马在2008 也曾在Nebraska 获得一张选举人票

这个考试你须要知道以下英文 terms (这些跟平常quiz 一样, 单词本身不提供中文翻译, 但解释有中文):
  •  Block Grant vs Categorical Grant :两个都属于联邦政府给州政府的拨款, Block Grant 没有具体规定, 拨款的用处, 州政府可以任意支配(broad purpose programs, such as law enforcement, social services, public health)。 Categorical Grant -项目拨款, 联邦有规定钱只能花在指定的拨款项目上(narrowly defined purposes)。
  • Federalism (联邦政府的权利-expressed and implied power; 州权 Reserved Powers 和 共有的权利 Concurrent powers, 每样至少要知道两项)

你需要知道以下政治人物的现(前)任职务跟基本背景 (会以连线的形式出现):
  • Kamala Harris (加州联邦参议员, 印度/牙买加裔混血)
  • Pete Buttigieg 印第安纳州 South Bend 市市长, 第一位 LGBTG 主要总统候选人
  • Elizabeth Warren (麻州 Massachusetts 联邦参议员, 跟 Sanders, 理念相近 同属民主党内的极左派, 主张课 财富税
  • Bernie Sanders (佛蒙特州vermont 联邦参议员, 2016 希拉里的主要党内对手,极左派, 犹太裔)
  • Joe Biden (前副总统 , 2009-2017, 属于民主党内的温和派)
  • Bill de Blasio (纽约现任市长)
  • Mike Bloomberg (前纽约市市长, 2001-2013, 准备投入民主党总统初选, 《福布斯》富豪排行第8, 资产534亿美元)
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (民主党内年轻进步派代表人物,史上最年轻的国会女议员,已经表态背书Sanders)
  • Justin Trudeau (加拿大总理, 左派, 10月刚举行的选举中连任, 但所属的执政党自由Liberal Party 失去议席多数 majority, 现在是少数政府 minority government)
  • Boris Johnson (英国首相, 右派保守党, 英国国会刚解散,12月要进行大选, 被认为是对“脱欧”的 变相公投)
  • Mike Pence (美国现任副总统)
  • Mitch McConnell (参议院多数党领袖)
  • Nancy Pelosi (众议院议长)
  • Rudy Giuliani  (纽约前市长, Trump 的个人律师, 弹劾案的主要人物)
  • Barack Obama 2009-2017 美国总统, 民主党
  • Hillary Clinton 2016 总统大选民主党提名人(nominees), 前总统比尔克林顿的妻子。
你需要知道以下宪法修正案相关的原则(principal, 如 第十修正案与联邦制有关)
  • 第一修正案1st Amendment (你必须要能列举五个自由 speech-言论, religion宗教, press出版, assembly集会, petition请愿 中的至少三个)
  • 第二 2nd Amendment :right to bear arm 携带武器的权利
  • 第四: 禁止无理搜查和扣押
  • 第五: due process
  • 第十:联邦制
  • 第十三 :废除奴隶制
  • 第十四:关于公民的定义与Due Process适用于各州
  • 第十五:投票权不分种族
  • 第十九: 投票权不分性别
你必须能举例说明联邦的立法, 行政, 司法部门如何互相监督(这表示, 你至少要知道六个, 比如立法 check 司法, 例子是什么, 司法 check 立法的例子又是什么?)

Image result for check and balanceslegislative-立法 check   executive-行政:国会可以通过或否决总统提名的人 (如法官, 部长等);弹劾总统, 用2/3 票数推翻总统的否决(veto)
executive -行政  check   legislative-立法: 否决国会通过的法案

legislative-立法  check   judicial-司法:国会不仅可以通过或否决法官人选, 还可以弹劾法官, 将Justice 从最高法院拔除;
judicial-司法   check   legislative-立法最高法院宣布国会的法案违宪 (unconstitutional)

executive -行政 check  judicial-司法 :最高法院法官由总统提名
judicial-司法  check  executive -行政: 宣布总统颁发的行政令 (executive orders)违宪

你必须知道两个党: 共和党和民主党各自三个的核心 demographic group:
2016 總統選舉出口民調 (樣本 兩萬四千多份) 
民主党: 女性, 非洲裔, 拉丁裔, 亚裔, 犹太裔, 年轻人,持研究生学历者, 最低收入家庭, 大城市居民, 无神论者,未婚者,LGBTG
共和党: 白人男性(请注意, 男性整体不能被认为是共和党的核心选民, 因为男性在2008年整体上就投了民主党, 2012年也只差7个百分点), 小城市/乡村居民无大学学位白人,  新教徒白人福音派(white evangelicals), 已婚者, 老兵, 经常参加教堂礼拜的人群

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

美国宪法修正案 (中英文)

 Synopsis of each ratified amendment[edit]
SubmittedCompletedTime span
1stProhibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the right to petition the governmentSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
2ndProtects the right to keep and bear armsSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
3rdPlaces restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homesSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
4thProhibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable causeSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
5thSets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incriminationand double jeopardySeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
6thProtects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counselSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
7thProvides for the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases, according to common lawSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
8thProhibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishmentSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
9thProtects rights not enumerated in the ConstitutionSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
10thReinforces the principle of federalism by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the states or the people through the ConstitutionSeptember 25, 1789December 15, 17912 years, 81 days
11thMakes states immune from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners not living within the state borders; lays the foundation for state sovereign immunityMarch 4, 1794February 7, 1795340 days
12thRevises presidential election procedures by having the president and vice president elected together as opposed to the vice president being the runner up in the presidential electionDecember 9, 1803June 15, 1804189 days
13thAbolishes slavery, and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crimeJanuary 31, 1865December 6, 1865309 days
14thDefines citizenship, contains the Privileges or Immunities Clause, the Due Process Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, and deals with post–Civil War issuesJune 13, 1866July 9, 18682 years, 26 days
15thProhibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitudeFebruary 26, 1869February 3, 1870342 days
16thPermits Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the various states or basing it on the United States CensusJuly 12, 1909February 3, 19133 years, 206 days
17thEstablishes the direct election of United States senators by popular voteMay 13, 1912April 8, 1913330 days
18thProhibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States
(Repealed December 5, 1933, via the 21st Amendment)
December 18, 1917January 16, 19191 year, 29 days
19thProhibits the denial of the right to vote based on sexJune 4, 1919August 18, 19201 year, 75 days
20thChanges the date on which the terms of the president and vice president and of members of Congress end and begin (to January 20 and January 3 respectively)March 2, 1932January 23, 1933327 days
21stRepeals the 18th Amendment and makes it a federal offense to transport or import intoxicating liquors into U.S. states and territories where such transport or importation is prohibited by the laws of those states and territoriesFebruary 20, 1933December 5, 1933288 days
22ndLimits the number of times that a person can be elected president: a person cannot be elected president more than twice, and a person who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected cannot be elected more than onceMarch 24, 1947February 27, 19513 years, 340 days
23rdGrants the District of Columbia electors in the Electoral College, their number being not more than those of the least populous stateJune 16, 1960March 29, 1961286 days
24thProhibits the revocation of voting rights due to the non-payment of a poll tax or any other taxSeptember 14, 1962January 23, 19641 year, 131 days
25thAddresses succession to the presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the vice president, as well as responding to presidential disabilitiesJuly 6, 1965February 10, 19671 year, 219 days
26thProhibits the denial of the right of US citizens, eighteen years of age or older, to vote on account of ageMarch 23, 1971July 1, 1971100 days
27thDelays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representativesSeptember 25, 1789May 5, 1992202 years, 223 days

政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...