Thursday, December 12, 2019

Updated Review Sheet for 2nd Exam

Don't freak out!  Another test won't be coming for another month. The list will be augmented on rolling basis.

6-最高法院审判有效的最低法定人数(英文说法是quorem, 全民公投的时候也会设quorem, 也就是投票率要达到一定百分比, 公投结果才有效)
13- 联邦法院系统分区的数量

  •  Propaganda
  •  Testimonial
  • Bandwagon
  • Name-calling
  • Glittering Generalities
  • Card-stacking
  • Plain folks
  • Transfe
  • paternity leave
  • Rosie the Riveter (铆钉女工) 
  • gaffe
  • inadmissible
  • strict constructionist: judicial interpretation that limits or restricts judicial interpretation. 司法系统中的保守派
  • judicial activism (司法积极主义): 和 strict constructionist 概念相反。司法机构(如, 最高法院)通过司法审判, 几乎起到了立法的效果, 比如, Miranda vs Arizona 之前完全没有先例, 这么判决, 效果等于国会立法)要求执法者读给被拘捕的人 “米兰达警告”
  • inadmissible evidence :不可接受的证据, 比如, 没有给 “米兰达警告” 情况下盘问出来的证词
  • Majority opinion
  • dissenting opinion
  • concurrent opinion 
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • In re *发音 in-ray: in the legal case of, with regard to ; (法律用语)与。。。有关 
  • In re Gault 
  • precedent :先例
  •  Court of Appeal
  • Trial court 
  • civil cases vs criminal cases (区别是什么)  
  • Judicial Review (哪个美国最高法院审理的案件开启了司法覆核的先例?)
  • Libertarian party
  • Green party 
  • Burden of proof (举证责任) 
  • actual malice -真实恶意原则  
  • Commander in Chief 



2.please explain the difference between the judicial philosophy of strict constructionist and judicial activism 

请解释 strict constructionism-严格解释主义 跟   judicial activism -司法积极主义 

这两种 司法意识形态的不同, 民主党/共和党总统更倾向提名哪种法官?

3. 请列举三个联邦罪的列子:

 federal crimes include: mail fraud, aircraft hijacking, carjacking, kidnapping, lynching, bank robbery, child pornography, credit card fraud, identity theft, computer crimes, federal hate crimes, animal cruelty, violations of the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), obscenity, tax evasion, counterfeiting, violations of the Espionage Act, violations of the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, art theft from a museum,damaging or destroying public mailboxes, electoral fraud, immigration offenses, and since 1965 in the aftermath of the President John F. Kennedy's assassination, assassinating or attempting assassination of the President or Vice President

4. 最高法院在New York Times vs Sullivan 是怎么判决的? 影响是什么?
    (拿到满分必须提到 actual malice, burden of proof, & 公职人员要告平民/媒体诽谤难度)
5. 请解释最高法院在判决 Texas VS Johnson 裡面多数判决书里认为宪法第一修正案言论自由条款也保障烧国旗自由的 两个原因。

政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...