Friday, December 20, 2019

Street Fight 影評要求 (Due Tuesday, 01/07)

***前两次的影评, 很多同学直接从网路上直接copy & paste 而拿到0分。 请务必不要拿别人的内容当自己的, 就算是一小段也是 plagiarism。  

highlights from the film:

  • 记录片至少观看两遍以上(好的影评都是通过多次观看才能发现微小的细节的)

  • Original, not plagiarized
  • 不少于1200字
  •  打印版
  • 有跟前兩部纪录片Hers to Lose 以及 Knock Down the House的对比
  • 請思考以下問題:
  • 影片中, 当纪录片导演问跟cory booker 握手的小男孩 ‘你闻到了什么”, 小男孩说 “he smells like the future“。”他闻起来像是未来“。 纪录片导演, 是不是也像这个小男孩一样,也”嗅到了未来” 呢?因为他自己回忆说, 自己在拍摄影片的时,他 旁边就已经有人在议论当时还是纽瓦克市市议员, 32岁的booker 成为第一位黑人总统的可能性(当时也是奥巴马2004 年 DNC keynote speech 后的一年)。
  • 纪录片选择在当时奥巴马2004年民主党全国代表大会一年声名大噪以后(2005年年底), 推出影片此影片。 你认为如果2002 当年就上映这部纪录片, 会不会获得相同的关注, 或者 造成“Cory Booker 旋风?
  • 如果当时有社交媒体(facebook, instagram 等), 选举结果会不会有所不同? (Booker 支持者主要是年轻人).
  • 他比sharpe james 年轻了30岁 但是除了攻击james 16年市长任内政绩不佳以外 cory booker 为什么没有打 “世代交替generaton shift” 牌?如果他用这个作选举主旋律, 结果会不会不同呢?
  • 本纪录片里的选战多大程度上是以议题为中心的, 选战中出现了哪些议题?, 还是说只有互相抹黑(smear campaign)?这跟前两部有什么相同或不同?
  • 主人公作为男性非洲裔美国人这个身份如何影响他要胜选的所需要用的竞选方式? 他跟女性拉丁裔身份的AOC, 跟女性/同志/白人身份的 Christine Quinn 所要面临的挑战有什么不同。 
  • 记录片方用 “Street Fight" 作为标题有没有什么特殊的用意(请注意, 这个选战两个PK 的候选人都是男性, AOC 面对的是男性的现任者, 而Christine Quinn 则是五个主要候选人里面唯一的女性。 你有没有看到Street Fight里两个男性候选人的装扮, 穿衣风格被拿来品头论足的?
  • 记录片方有没有通过影片想要反思什么议题:例如非裔社区里在优渥的背景长大, 学霸的形象会成同侪贴上 “acting white” 这个标签的困局?或者是如何消除 machine politic- 机器政治 等。
  • 为什么 Sharp James 的 campaign觉得给Cory Booker 贴 “White" "Accepting money from KKK" "Gay" "Jewish" "Republican" “carpet bagger”这些标签会是有效的策略? 
  •  看完这三部纪录片, 你是否觉得选民 对“assertiveness” (强势) 这个特质, 男女有不同的标准?  
    How race is defined in the U.S. ?
    • James also challenged Booker’s racial identity, questioning whether or not the lighter-skinned, Ivy League–educated Booker was “really black.” 
    • who can rightfully claim the power to define it?

  • MLA format, 不用写参考文献  
Source:Purdue Online Writing Lab

General Guidelines

  • Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper. 用A4纸质打印。
  • Double-space the text of your paper and use a legible font 将论文的文本加双倍间距并使用清晰的字体 
  • The font size should be 12 pt. 字体大小应为12点
  • Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks 在句号或其他标点符号之后仅留一个空格
  • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides 将文档的所有边距设置为1英寸
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph one half-inch from the left margin. MLA recommends that you use the “Tab” key。 每个段落的第一行 使用 “ Tab”键 indent。 中文indent 两个字。
  • Use italics throughout your essay to indicate the titles of longer works 中文使用书名号《 》, 英文用 italics (斜体)

Formatting the First Page of Your Paper 文第一页的格式

  • In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Again, be sure to use double-spaced text. 左上方写你的名字,教师名字, 课程名称 和日期 (也要 double space)
  • Double space again and center the title. Do not underline, italicize, or place your title in quotation marks. Write the title in Title Case (standard capitalization), not in all capital letters. 标题要 center。 英文标题除了a, an, the,and, but, or, for, nor, etc. on, at, to, from, by 之外的单字都要大写。
  • Use quotation marks and/or italics when referring to other works in your title, just as you would in your text. For example: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as Morality Play; Human Weariness in "After Apple Picking”

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

是松诉美国案的16个 arguments

  1. The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution states: No person shall…be deprived of life,
     liberty, or property, without due process of law….《宪法》第五修正案规定:未经正当
By subjecting Japanese and Japanese Americans to internment as a group, the 
United States has denied them due process of law. Proper due process requires 
individuals to be proven guilty through individual, established procedures.美国通过
将日本人和日裔美国人作为一个整体进行拘禁,否认了他们的正当法律程序(Due Process)
  1. Deference to Congress and the military authorities, particularly in light of the uncertainty 
    following Pearl Harbor. 尊重国会和军方的判断, 特别是像珍珠港事件后产生不确定性的时候。
  1. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution states: No State shall…deny to any person 
    within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
    • Though the 14th Amendment refers to states, it also applies (through the Fifth 
      Amendment) to the federal government. The government is obliged to provide 
      equal rights; if the rights of a particular racial group are taken away, the reason 
      for doing so must pass the highest scrutiny possible.
    • 尽管第14条修正案提及各州,但它也(通过第5条修正案)适用于联邦政府。政府有
      义务提供平等的权利;如果剥夺了特定种族的权利,这样做的理由必须经过最高的审查。***平等保护条款(英語:Equal Protection Clause),是美国法律术语,它保障了所有人民在法律之前均可得到同等的对待。这个条款来自美国宪法第十四修正案中,保障每名美国公民不被各州的州政府剥夺依法律享有的公民权利,以確保永久廢除奴隸制。

  1. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President the power as commander 
    in chief of the military. Commanding the military includes issuing orders as necessary 
    to help the military carry out its duties to protect the nation. Such orders include 
    Executive Order 9066, which expressly allowed restrictions on the movement and 
    presence of groups of people in certain areas of the country.《宪法》第二条第二款赋予
  2. German Americans and Italian Americans were treated differently from the Japanese
     during World War II. Though some were interned and suffered discriminatory treatment, 
    they were not gathered up en masse without hearing or evidence as the Japanese were. 
    尽管有些人被拘留并遭受歧视性待遇,但们并他们没有 像日本人那样在没有
  1. It is impossible for the Supreme Court to confirm or deny the military authorities’ claim 
    that it was impossible to quickly separate out disloyal and dangerous Japanese 
    or Japanese Americans. 最高法院根本无法确认或否认军事当局的说法,即不可能迅速
  1. In Hirabayashi v. United States (1943), the Supreme Court supported the conviction 
    of a Japanese American who violated a curfew order imposed through the same presidential Executive Order and Congressional Act at issue in this case.在《 平林诉美国案》Hirabayashi诉美国)中 ((1943年),最高法院支持对一名日裔美国人的定罪,该人违反了与此案相关的《总统行政命令》和《国会法》所施加的宵禁令。
  2. When our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect should be 
    commensurate with the threatened danger. 当我们的海岸受到敌对力量的威胁时,
  1. No Japanese or Japanese American had been accused of or convicted for espionage 
    or sabotage in the months between the attack on Pearl Harbor and the beginning of 
    internment. 在袭击珍珠港到拘禁开始之间的几个月中,没有日本人或日裔美国人被
  1. Approximately 5,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry refused to swear 
    unqualified allegiance to the United States and to renounce allegiance to the 
    Japanese Emperor. 约有5,000名日本血统的美国公民拒绝宣誓效忠美国,
  1. In the American legal system, “guilt is personal and not inheritable.” There was no 
    evidence that Fred Korematsu engaged in any subversive or conspiratorial activity. 
    (Fred Korematsu)从事任何颠覆或阴谋活动。
  1. The armed services must protect a society, not merely its Constitution. 
  1. We may not be able to confine military actions to the boundaries of the Constitution, 
    but that does not mean that the Constitution should be distorted to approve of all the 
    military deems expedient.我们可能无法将军事行动限制在《宪法》的范围之内,但这
  1. If the Supreme Court issues a ruling supporting racial discrimination in this case, it 
    becomes a principle for supporting racial discrimination in any case where an urgent 
    need is claimed. 如果最高法院在本案中发布了支持种族歧视的裁决,那么在任何有
  1. Under the Alien Enemy Act of 1798, which remains in effect today, the U.S. may 
    apprehend, intern and otherwise restrict the freedom of “alien enemies” upon declaration 
    of war or actual, attempted or threatened invasion by a foreign nation.根据今天仍然有效
    的《 1798年外国敌人法》,美国可以在宣战状态或 外国进行实际,未遂或威胁的入侵
    时,逮捕,拘捕或限制 “外国敌人” 的自由。
  1. Validation of the military's decision by Congress merited even more deference. 国会
    对军方决定的确认 表示军方决定更应该获得尊重。

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Updated Review Sheet for 2nd Exam

Don't freak out!  Another test won't be coming for another month. The list will be augmented on rolling basis.

6-最高法院审判有效的最低法定人数(英文说法是quorem, 全民公投的时候也会设quorem, 也就是投票率要达到一定百分比, 公投结果才有效)
13- 联邦法院系统分区的数量

  •  Propaganda
  •  Testimonial
  • Bandwagon
  • Name-calling
  • Glittering Generalities
  • Card-stacking
  • Plain folks
  • Transfe
  • paternity leave
  • Rosie the Riveter (铆钉女工) 
  • gaffe
  • inadmissible
  • strict constructionist: judicial interpretation that limits or restricts judicial interpretation. 司法系统中的保守派
  • judicial activism (司法积极主义): 和 strict constructionist 概念相反。司法机构(如, 最高法院)通过司法审判, 几乎起到了立法的效果, 比如, Miranda vs Arizona 之前完全没有先例, 这么判决, 效果等于国会立法)要求执法者读给被拘捕的人 “米兰达警告”
  • inadmissible evidence :不可接受的证据, 比如, 没有给 “米兰达警告” 情况下盘问出来的证词
  • Majority opinion
  • dissenting opinion
  • concurrent opinion 
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • In re *发音 in-ray: in the legal case of, with regard to ; (法律用语)与。。。有关 
  • In re Gault 
  • precedent :先例
  •  Court of Appeal
  • Trial court 
  • civil cases vs criminal cases (区别是什么)  
  • Judicial Review (哪个美国最高法院审理的案件开启了司法覆核的先例?)
  • Libertarian party
  • Green party 
  • Burden of proof (举证责任) 
  • actual malice -真实恶意原则  
  • Commander in Chief 



2.please explain the difference between the judicial philosophy of strict constructionist and judicial activism 

请解释 strict constructionism-严格解释主义 跟   judicial activism -司法积极主义 

这两种 司法意识形态的不同, 民主党/共和党总统更倾向提名哪种法官?

3. 请列举三个联邦罪的列子:

 federal crimes include: mail fraud, aircraft hijacking, carjacking, kidnapping, lynching, bank robbery, child pornography, credit card fraud, identity theft, computer crimes, federal hate crimes, animal cruelty, violations of the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), obscenity, tax evasion, counterfeiting, violations of the Espionage Act, violations of the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, art theft from a museum,damaging or destroying public mailboxes, electoral fraud, immigration offenses, and since 1965 in the aftermath of the President John F. Kennedy's assassination, assassinating or attempting assassination of the President or Vice President

4. 最高法院在New York Times vs Sullivan 是怎么判决的? 影响是什么?
    (拿到满分必须提到 actual malice, burden of proof, & 公职人员要告平民/媒体诽谤难度)
5. 请解释最高法院在判决 Texas VS Johnson 裡面多数判决书里认为宪法第一修正案言论自由条款也保障烧国旗自由的 两个原因。

Thursday, December 5, 2019


 1. 美国有几个法院系统;3. 决定案件审判的12人小组 6. 当上诉法院维持原来审判; 7. 当上诉法庭法官审案时候寻找什么?8. 违反宪法的;9. 最高法院法官人数; 10.一个案件在不同层级的法院走司法程序就像在搭什么?11. 当上诉法庭驳回下级法庭审判时, 叫。。。14.只有这个法庭有权选择要审什么案件; 18. 复审初审法院决定的法院叫。。。23. 当有超过一名法官, 这个法官的群体叫。。。24.联邦法院系统中, 最低的层级是。。。; 25.是由联邦法院系统, 还是州法院系统来审一个案件取决于。。。
1.第一个审案的法院叫。。。; 2. 可以证明一件事情是否发生的人或事物叫做。。。; 4. 当上诉法院将一个案件送回出身法院重审的时候叫remand;5.证据的一种; 11. 上诉法院对案件做的事情; 12. 建立宪法的文件叫。。。; 13. 跟人民权力相关的案件类型叫。。。14. 审跟州法相关的法院系统;15. 审跟联邦法相关的法院系统; 16.法官穿的袍子叫。。。;  17. 证据的另一种; 20.刑事案件; 21.请求上诉法院复审一个案件的动词; 22. 没有陪审团的庭审叫。。。或者 所有由法官审判的都叫 bench trial

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

第二次大考 Review Sheet

Don't freak out!  Another test won't be coming for another month. The list will be augmented on rolling basis.

6-最高法院审判有效的最低法定人数(英文说法是quorem, 全民公投的时候也会设quorem, 也就是投票率要达到一定百分比, 公投结果才有效)
13- 联邦法院系统分区的数量

  •  Propaganda
  •  Testimonial
  • Bandwagon
  • Name-calling
  • Glittering Generalities
  • Card-stacking
  • Plain folks
  • Transfe
  • paternity leave
  • Rosie the Riveter (铆钉女工) 
  • gaffe
  • inadmissible
  • strict constructionist: judicial interpretation that limits or restricts judicial interpretation. 司法系统中的保守派
  • judicial activism (司法积极主义): 和 strict constructionist 概念相反。司法机构(如, 最高法院)通过司法审判, 几乎起到了立法的效果, 比如, Miranda vs Arizona 之前完全没有先例, 这么判决, 效果等于国会立法)要求执法者读给被拘捕的人 “米兰达警告”
  • inadmissible evidence :不可接受的证据, 比如, 没有给 “米兰达警告” 情况下盘问出来的证词
  • Majority opinion
  • dissenting opinion
  • concurrent opinion 
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • In re *发音 in-ray: in the legal case of, with regard to ; (法律用语)与。。。有关 
  • In re Gault 
  • precedent :先例
  •  Court of Appeal
  • Trial court 
  • civil cases vs criminal cases (区别是什么)  
  • Judicial Review (哪个美国最高法院审理的案件开启了司法覆核的先例?)
  • Libertarian party
  • Green party 
  • Burden of proof (举证责任) 
  • actual malice -真实恶意原则  



2.please explain the difference between the judicial philosophy of strict constructionist and judicial activism 

请解释 strict constructionism-严格解释主义 跟   judicial activism -司法积极主义 

这两种 司法意识形态的不同, 民主党/共和党总统更倾向提名哪种法官?

3. 请列举三个联邦罪的列子:

 federal crimes include: mail fraud, aircraft hijacking, carjacking, kidnapping, lynching, bank robbery, child pornography, credit card fraud, identity theft, computer crimes, federal hate crimes, animal cruelty, violations of the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), obscenity, tax evasion, counterfeiting, violations of the Espionage Act, violations of the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, art theft from a museum,damaging or destroying public mailboxes, electoral fraud, immigration offenses, and since 1965 in the aftermath of the President John F. Kennedy's assassination, assassinating or attempting assassination of the President or Vice President

4. 最高法院在New York Times vs Sullivan 是怎么判决的? 影响是什么?
    (拿到满分必须提到 actual malice, burden of proof, & 公职人员要告平民/媒体诽谤难度)
5. 请解释最高法院在判决 Texas VS Johnson 裡面多数判决书里认为宪法第一修正案言论自由条款也保障烧国旗自由的 两个原因。

政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...