Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

明天的小考,识别题(可能是摘自某一篇演讲或论文)。 你需要知道这3 个英文单词并且知道他们各自是诉诸于什么。
Aristotle's 3 Modes of Persuasion 亞里士多德 說服的三種模式 (using example of if I want to make an argument that you should not smoke)
Ethos, appealing to credibility(诉诸于公信力);  "I have a medical degree on oncology (studies on cancer tumors) from Harvard University" ***This person is building up his/her credibility by saying he is an expert on this area.
Pathos, appealing to emotion(诉诸于情感); “I witnessed the death of my grandfather who died of lung cancer (because of smoking). It was so sad. " ***This person tries to trigger the same feeling from readers, therefore, telling readers that smoking caused this sadness, so...
Logos, appealing to logic(诉诸于逻辑). "Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States" *** Citing data, saying this many people died of smoking, you shouldn't be one of them.

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政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...