Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Learning Going Forward (Final, I promise)

The learning going forward will involve mainly two weekly assignments posted on Google Blogger we have been using so far.The 2 assignments require you to post comments/thoughts on the reading materials and replying to others' thoughts. I will join the panel discussion if I see fit. These two assignments will be graded as "Classwork".  Any supplemental assignments such as HW, essays, or projects will be posted on Google Classroom (Code:  aetuhnj ) . Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so!

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政府应对经济衰退(recession)或通货膨胀 (inflation) 可以用哪些手段?

有需要老师reset progress 重新做这个edpuzzle 的这个在下面评论出提出, 或私信我。 美国的经济衰退 (recession)定义是连续两个季度GDP 负增长, 因为疫情的关系, 1-3月美国GDP 可能是负增长,下一季度几乎笃定是负增长。高盛 Go...